GRANTS Improving and Assessing Student Learning in an Inverted STEM Classroom Setting, National Science Foundation, (programs TUES-Type 2 Project, S-STEM:SCHLR SCI TECH ENG&MATH), $598,522, September 2013-August 2016, Autar Kaw (PI), Andrew Scott (Co-PI, AAMU), Ram Pendyala (Co-PI ASU) Mary Besterfield-Sacre (Co-PI, Univ of Pitt). “Holistic Numerical Methods: Unabridged”, National Science Foundation (programs CCLI-Phase 2 (Expansion), S-STEM:SCHLR SCI TECH ENG&MATH), $500,189, January 2008-December 2012. Autar K. Kaw - USF (PI), Melinda Hess - USF (Co-PI), Egwu E. Kalu - FAMU (Co-PI), Steven Barnicki - Milwaukee School of Engineering MSOE (Co-PI), Sally Szydlo -USF (Co-PI). "Holistic Numerical Methods”, National Science Foundation (program CCLI-ADAPTATION AND IMPLEMENTA, CCLI-EDUCATIONAL MATERIALS DEV), $363,280, March 2004 - December 2007. Autar K. Kaw - USF (PI), Glen H. Besterfield - USF (Co-PI), Egwu E. Kalu - FAMU (Co-PI), Pradeep Misra - Wright State University (Co-PI), James A. Eison - USF (Co-PI). “Holistic Numerical Methods: A Prototype”, National Science Foundation (program CCLI-EMD), $74,961 from NSF and $2,150 Matching from USF, January 2002 - May 2003. Autar K. Kaw - USF (PI), Glen H. Besterfield - USF (Co-PI), James A. Eison -USF (Co-PI). “Research for Engineering Undergraduates Program at USF”, College of Engineering, University of South Florida, $31,000, August 2002 - March 2007. “Research for Engineering Undergraduates Program at USF”, College of Engineering, University of South Florida, $30,000, January 2008-December 2010. AWARDS 2006 ASEE DELOS Best Paper Award: The Division for Experimentation and Laboratory Oriented Studies (DELOS) Division of American Society of Engineering Education (ASEE) recognizes individuals for excellence in the preparation and presentation of a paper in a DELOS session at the ASEE Annual Conference. A paper on "Assessing Teaching Methods in a Numerical Methods Course" received a 2006 ASEE DELOS best paper award. 2004 ASME Curriculum Innovation Award: The Curriculum Innovation Award recognizes innovation in Mechanical Engineering (ME) and Mechanical Engineering Technology (MET) Education and encourages the dissemination of exemplary curricular innovations throughout the engineering education community. The award is given for curriculum innovations for undergraduate, graduate or continuing education, that 1) have demonstrated a significant advancement in engineering education and have been demonstrated (reduced to practice). 2) Have the potential for significant impact on meeting the changing needs of the engineering profession. 3) Have the ability to be adapted by many schools in an affordable and effective manner. 4) Show a high likelihood of the innovation being widely adopted. The website was awarded the 2004 ASME Curriculum Innovation Award (read full paper) Featured user, Mathcad Advisor Newsletter, October 6, 2004. |
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